Monday, April 17, 2017

Update on Pacific Inlet

Well, if you've been watching along on the YouTube channel, you have seen quite a bit of work done on Pacific Inlet.  As of this writing, video 56 aired recently and we are on the 115th load of logs to the sawmill.

The areas in red hash are where we have logged completely or mostly logged.  We are currently logging just to the East of #4 near the top of the map.

As you can see, we have a LONG way to go.  In fact, I may be doing another high speed logging video to speed the process along.  I really want to know how many loads of logs this map has!!  We probably won't cut every tree on the map, but will come close.

To follow along with the process, check out the video series on YouTube.  New videos every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday nights at 6pm Central, unless something comes up.

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